Endowments create a safety net that ensures the uninterrupted continuation of the work of our parishes, Catholic schools, and ministries, in good times and in bad.
With over 535 endowment funds representing more than $118 million in assets, the Catholic Community Foundation actively manages a diversified portfolio with an investment policy that adheres to Catholic teachings. When you partner with us to achieve your philanthropic goals, you can be sure that your gifts are empowering the mission of your Faith.
Our portfolio is managed by Commonfund, a global independent asset management firm overseeing more $28 billion in assets on behalf of over 1,500 investors. When you partner with us, you have the security of knowing your gifts are safeguarded and stewarded in a way that will maximize their beneficial impact.
The Foundation is blessed with a Board of Trustees and Committee Members steeped in financial expertise, and supported by a seasoned development staff, all of whom share a passion for strengthening Catholic initiatives. When you partner with us, you know your wishes are being advanced by an accomplished team of professionals.
A charitable entity wholly separate in its own right, the Foundation receives legal counsel and implements annual audits by leading law and auditing firms. When you partner with us, your investment enjoys enhanced protection from legal liability.
The Foundation is here to offer you top-of-the-line planned giving advice. When you partner with us, you will appreciate that your investment will grow in perpetuity.
These are but a few of the factors leading to the Foundation’s excellent performance, outperforming its benchmark considerably since inception. When you partner with us, you will be glad you did.
This is a named fund established in honor or in memory of a loved one or family.
Often these funds are established to perpetuate the support that has been given by an individual over the course of one’s lifetime. An Individual or Family Fund could have more than one beneficiary. For example, half of the distribution from the fund could benefit a parish and the other half of the distribution could be used for seminarian formation or some other ministry.
This is a fund that has been established to benefit parishes, schools or other organizations.
Distributions from these funds are usually for the “general purpose” of the organization as determined by the Pastor or other appropriate organizational leadership.
A Field of Interest Fund is named for the program or ministry that will receive funding, such as The St. John Vianney Seminarian Endowment Fund or a fund providing tuition assistance for the underserved children of Baltimore City.
The Donor(s) contacts the Foundation to establish a fund supporting a parish, school, ministry or program within the Archdiocese of Baltimore with an initial gift of $25,000 (which fully funds the endowment) or $1,000, with the agreement to contribute at least $25,000 to the fund over a time period (usually five years) or through a bequest.
An endowment fund agreement is signed by the donor(s) and the Foundation’s leadership. A copy of the fully-executed agreement is provided to the donor.
The donor(s) transfers initial funding to the Foundation (either cash or securities). If the endowment is to be fully funded by a bequest, the donor(s) should provide a copy of the bequest document.
Quarterly statements are mailed to the donor(s).
Each April, beneficiaries will be notified of the distribution that is available for their fund.
Each August, distribution checks will be mailed to beneficiaries of funds that have a distribution available.
There are Funds that provide income, Funds that can cost you nothing, and Funds that offer tax benefits – all while supporting a worthy cause.
Learn MoreSetting up a Fund is a simple process. Begin to establish your legacy now!
Get StartedNot ready to establish a Fund? Consider donating to any of over 400 established Endowments and Donor Advised Funds.
DonateResources for Financial professionals to incorporate Endowments and Donor Advised Funds into a wealth planning strategy.
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